About us

Eng. Gaetano Iovino

Project Manager and creator of Ganttnavigator


Deborah epis

Dr. Deborah Epis

Business Analyst & Simulation Model Developer


Eng. Gaetano Iovino

He graduated with honors in Nuclear Engineering from the University “la Sapienza di Roma”. After a first experience as a researcher at ENEA, he was ENEL Executive until 2016 dealing with design, construction and project management of large infrastructure projects in Power for a total value of more than 800 million euros. As Project Manager he followed the construction of large thermoelectric (gas, oil, coal), renewable (solar) and nuclear power plants.

Starting in 2017, he started a research activity on advanced problems of planning and management of grad projects.

He currently collaborates with the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome where, in February 2019, he held the seminar “Methods and experiences in the integrated control of large industrial works, from project documentation to implementation.”

In February 2022, the magazine “loRoma” of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome published his article “Dynamic Analysis applied to Project Management – ‘Stock and Flow’ models for Planning, Control and Construction Risk Analysis.”

He is currently working as a volunteer with the Project Management Institute (PMI). In January 2021, the Plant Chemistry Committee of PM Central Italy, in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of L’Aquila, organized a series of webinars with the aim of “grafting a high-level Engineering background with a mastery of the most modern Project Management techniques for the Management of Complex Industrial Projects through Exponents from the Industrial Sector.” As part of this initiative, he gave the webinar “Combined Cycle Thermoelectric Plant Transformation Project.”

He currently has an ongoing collaboration with the School of Aerospace Engineering in Rome (part of La Sapienza University) with whom he coordinated for a thesis work on a possible application of dynamic simulation in the field of aerospace realizations. Thesis title: “Dynamic Simulation of an Activity of a Work Package Using Stock and Flow Models.

Recently (late 2021), he presented his ideas on dynamic simulation of projects at MIT Boston.

Accomplished projects


  • In charge of “Project Control and Coordination” for the completion of Units 3 and 4 of the Mochovce Nuclear Plant (SK).


  • Project Manager of the works of the experimental solar thermal plant
    Archimedes (Rubbia Project) in Priolo (Syracuse).


  • Project Manager for the works of modernization and environmental adaptation of the Coal-Fired Thermoelectric Units of Cerano (Brindisi).

2002 al 2007

  • Project Manager of no. 2 Thermoelectric Production Units in Combined Cycle (CCGT) gas-fired Termini Imerese (Palermo) – Power 2 × (250 MW TG+125 MW TV) = 2 × 375 MW.
  • Project Manager of no. 2 Thermoelectric Production Units in Combined Cycle
    Combined (CCGT) gas-fired Priolo (Syracuse) – Power 2 × (250 MW TG+125 MW TV ) = 2 x 375 MW.

Studies and Presentations

May 2022

  • University of L’Aquila – Department of Engineering
    Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics in collaboration with the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering. Technical seminar, “Experiences and management methods for large-scale infrastructure in industry, from design to construction.”

February 2022

  • Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome Publication of Article in the magazine “loRoma”: ” Dynamic Analysis applied to Project Management.” concepts set out in the article (delivered in April 2021) were discussed with Prof. J. Lyneis of MIT Boston who felt that the study “seems to be going in the right direction.”

September 2021

  • Rome School of Aerospace Engineering of the University of
    “La Sapienza” of Rome:
    Co-Reader of the Thesis: “Dynamic Simulation of an Activity of a Work Package Using Stock and Flow Models.”

January 2021

  • Plant Chemistry Committee of PMI Central Italy and Department of Industrial Engineering, University of L’Aquila for the webinar series aimed at “grafting a high-level Engineering background with a great mastery of the most modern Project Management techniques for the Management of Industrial Projects
    Complexes through Exponents from the Industrial Sector.”
    Webinar: “Combined Cycle Thermoelectric Plant Transformation Project.”

February 2019

  • Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome;
    Technical seminar on Project Control (in collaboration with Eng. R. Lo Vecchio): “Methods and experiences in the integrated control of large industrial works, from project documentation to implementation”